Nov 23 🎃 Epix Product updates 🚀

Product updates

In October, a big part of the world celebrated 🎃Halloween! Our treat this year, was the launch of a brand new module: international 🌎 absences 🌴 self service!

Curious about the most recent features and what’s coming next? Keep on reading!

International 🌎 Self-Service for Absence management ⛱

We've already announced it a while ago, but we were able to release the first version of our International🌎 employee self-servce absences management to production 2 months before our goal.

One of our customers immedialety started using it for 1 department to learn how everything works and we've also been using it for a few weeks for our own teams (employees and external workforce).

The coming weeks we will add extra functionality and listen to the feedback we receive carefully , but this is another milestone in our development.

So, from this day, you are able to add your international workforce, internal and external, into 1 team. Each person can request absences based on the local rules and settings, but with just 1 approver. When requested and approved, everything results in a localised calendar that is ready to be transferred to the local payroll provider.

No more manual entries for HR , and this for all the different countries.

Single sign-on🌍 is available

We have the possibility to configure single sign-on with your own user/password management.

Person🧑& Contract 💼


  • There are some extra option flags on employer level to be able to show or hide functionality in more detail.


  • When a self service request has been made in the calendar, the calendar item is shown in a different way to HR.
  • For an approved absence, HR can see who approved it and when in the main calendar.

Payroll closure localization 🔁

  • We show a cleaner list of error messages when the closure is finished. This list can be downloaded as well.
  • The closure has changed so if 1 of the processes fails, the full process can be rescheduled.

Analytics and reporting📊

  • The order of the tabs of the workforce analytics is in a more logical order.

Import/Export 🔃

  • We have the possibility to import external calendars into the Epix calendar.

General topics and improvements 💄

  • You (or your employees) can add an avatar picture to the persons profile.
  • It is now possible in the team management to select all email addresses of a team, so you can easily send them an email message.
  • We moved some configuration to a more logical place.

Information about feature releases

Remember, the list above gives an overview of the most important features and bugfixes we released in the previous month. We release in a continuous deployment so we can even deploy multiple times a day if necessary where bugfixes have a high prio to be solved. Next to this list a lot of technical and security items have been solved and changed.

All code must be approved by a second developer before it is merged into the main code. Every feature release is then put in a development environment where the new feature is tested by our product team. Then the release flows to acceptance, where a huge set of automated user tests are simulated on different devices and screen sizes. When they are 'green' we deploy this version to production without manual work after an explicit approval by the product team.

All configuration done by the user keeps on working and a new version is always backward compatible.

What’s coming up?

Pay component management🪙

We are working on a mass pay component management. There is already the possibilty to import mass pay components, but we are working on a wizard to manage them within Epix.

Register for our next Epix demo

If you are interested in an online demo of Epix, click here to register for our next webinar or here for a personal meeting and demo.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. And remember, check our site for more insights in our unified processing or integrated analytics solutions.

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Nov 23 🎃 Epix Product updates 🚀

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Nov 23 🎃 Epix Product updates 🚀

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Jan 25 🥂 Epix Product 🚀

We're excited to share the achievements of our development team from last month. Curious about the latest features and what's on the horizon? Keep reading! 🌞

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Dec 24 ☃️ Epix Product 🚀

We're excited to share the achievements of our development team from last month. Curious about the latest features and what's on the horizon? Keep reading! 🌞