Core HR Data

All the payroll & core HR Data of your entire global workforce in one place

As a multi-country employer, one of the biggest challenges is the lack of a centralized database for the payroll and core HR data of your entire global workforce. With Epix, all your workforce payroll and core HR data are at your fingertips, no matter where your employees are or which in-country payroll providers you work with.

Why choose Paybix for 
Core HR Data?

It all begins with accurate data for your global workforce, but how do you keep your single source of truth current? Our global payroll platform ensures that the latest version of your data is always displayed and pushed to each of your in-country payroll providers. This guarantees that all local payroll systems operate with the most up-to-date information.

Additionally, if you have other data sources like HCM or Time & Attendance systems, they can be integrated with our platform, ensuring a single, reliable source of truth.

And here's the best part: all the data necessary for compliant payroll processing by your ICP will be seamlessly pushed to their local payroll systems using their respective pay codes.   This is where Epix shines: with our proprietary pay code mapping engine,  your data is translated into localized formats, enabling automatic processing by your ICPs.

This is what we call real streamlined global payroll!

Person & identification data

You can store the personal and identification data of your entire global workforce in Epix. Not a big deal, you say? Well, we ensure that the content of various data fields complies with local validations. Every country is different, and every ICP is unique. Epix allows you to store different values for different countries, guaranteeing that your data always meets local legislative requirements.

Contract data

Effortlessly consolidate all contract data for your global workforce with our platform's powerful Contract Data feature. This tool ensures accurate and efficient payroll processing by centralizing all employee information, including detailed reward packages. By streamlining HR operations and providing comprehensive visibility, our platform makes it easy to manage and access critical data, allowing you to maintain compliance and optimize your global workforce management.

Pay Components

Easily handle all pay components of your workforce in one centralized platform. With just a few clicks, you can add, modify, or update allowances and deductions, ensuring that payroll information remains accurate and current. Our platform provides a real-time view of each employee’s reward package, helping you keep track of every detail. Additionally, it automatically translates these pay components into the specific pay codes needed by in-country payroll providers, ensuring seamless integration and compliance across different regions.

Fleet Data

Effectively managing your fleet data across multiple countries is crucial for optimizing operations and enhancing strategic planning. Our platform centralizes all your fleet information in one place, giving you a comprehensive view and easy access to essential data. Additionally, it allows you to measure important environmental KPIs, such as CO2 emissions and the number of electric vehicles in your fleet. This centralized approach not only streamlines operations but also supports sustainability initiatives by providing valuable insights to help you make more informed, eco-friendly decisions across various regions.

Time data

Easily track employee absences with our comprehensive platform. Manage employee time seamlessly, ensuring accurate payroll calculations across multiple locations while staying compliant with payroll regulations worldwide. Our system simplifies the process of monitoring absences, allowing you to handle leave requests, vacations, and sick days efficiently. By centralizing absence management, our platform helps you maintain compliance with local labor laws and regulations, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring smooth payroll processing, no matter where your employees are located.

Fleet statistics
The offering simplifies the process by providing a single tool for all countries, eliminating the need for multiple processes. With the ability to gather all information on a parallel platform and visualize data on packages of people, including salary increases and population demographics, this tool makes life easier and improves overall efficiency.”

Audrey Meltzer

EMEA HR Lead, Satellite Industries

We were looking for a unified payroll solution for a while when we met with Paybix. Paybix  integrates all payroll operations in one platform and that was exactly what we were looking for. We had a strong preference to work directly with a local, experienced payroll agency in every country. Paybix has carefully selected local partners that can offer excellent payroll services to international companies. These local payroll agencies connect their software to Paybix’s platform hence enabling aggregated payroll output. The  collaboration with Paybix has been great so far."

Lieve Bussels

HR Director, Tosca

"I haven't encountered any alternatives that can compare to this offering. Despite heavy competition and marketing from other companies, this tool stands out as the clear leader. While there are other options like SAP, they tend to only cater to larger firms and not smaller ones. But this tool is different."

Stefaan Verlinden

Co-Founder, UwPayroll

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Frequently asked

Can I test Epix before buying?

Due to the need for configuration to connect your local payroll systems to our platform, a traditional free trial without support isn't practical. However, we understand the importance of seeing proof before making a long-term commitment. That's why we also offer a flexible monthly subscription option, allowing you to experience the full capabilities of Epix with minimal commitment. You can subscribe on a month-to-month basis, giving you the freedom to end the subscription at any time if the platform doesn't meet your needs.

Will it cost me much to get access to Paybix’ international payroll solution?

Warren Buffet said: “Price is what you pay, value is what you get” by which he made it seem that one can only get value by paying a lot. At Paybix we believe that you can get value at a reasonable cost. We price our SaaS product Epix very reasonably, especially when compared with comparable SaaS offerings of large international payroll providers. And with the partner ICPs of our network we have agreed a unified, competitive pricing. They deliver top-notch managed payrolls services in your required local languages through with direct access, at below-the-market fees for international payroll delivery.

What other payroll systems will I need, over and above Epix, to manage my (international) payroll function?

Paybix built Epix as a sole-source SaaS platform for your international employee administration and payroll management. As an end-user, the Epix front-end is the only payroll system you’ll need to have full control over input and output. Your local payroll provider (ICP), whether this is an ICP you contracted through Paybix or an ICP you have selected yourself, will use its (back-end) payroll engine to perform the gross-to-net calculations and file the statutory and regulatory reports, based on the input he receives from Epix through either a CSV or an API interface.

What if my company is growing?

Our platform is built to grow alongside your business, offering unmatched flexibility and scalability to support your evolving needs. As your company expands, you can easily add new countries to your payroll operations. If you decide to switch in-country payroll providers, our platform makes it simple to connect with a new provider. Additionally, adding new employees is one of the easiest tasks you can perform. With Paybix, you can rest assured that your payroll processes will scale effortlessly as your international workforce grows.